Encryption for Confidentiality

Protecting your privacy and securing consignment data is our top priority and we’re doing everything possible. Rednote ensures that your consignment is available only for their intended recipients, and visible only after the delivery triggers and verifications have been satisfied. Rednote designs and implements innovative encryption and data protection approaches to ensure this.

Understanding Encryption

Rednote encryption uses cryptographic algorithms to convert the original data into an unreadable format. Only those with the correct decryption key can revert the video back to its original state and view it.

AES256 Encryption

256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption has 1.1 x 10^77 possible combinations, or 2^256, because of its 256-bit key length. This is 78 digits long. No Super Computer on the face of this earth can crack that in any reasonable timeframe. Rednote uses AES256 encryption to secure your uploaded videos. 

Encryption Keys

An encryption key is a string of characters used to alter data in an encryption algorithm, making it appear random. Encrypted data can be decoded only through the use of the proper key. Rednote encryption keys are managed offline separately from the data and encryption engine. 

End-to-End Encryption

Rednote implements end-to-end encryption, ensuring that data is encrypted from the point of origin to its destination, with decryption only possible by authorized parties. This safeguards data privacy and confidentiality throughout the data transmission process.

Online and Offline Security Resources

Rednote utilizes separate online and offline resources to accommodate its high digital security infrastructure. By decentralizing and distributing processing and storage across different, separate resources (with each having no linkage to each other) Rednote makes it almost impossible to reassemble this giga-sized jigsaw puzzle by unauthorised parties.